What is action tracking software (and why you need it)

Staying on top of your ongoing tasks and projects can be difficult to do by hand. So, most companies turn to action tracking software to simplify this process. If you want to reach new levels of organizational performance, then you should seriously consider implementing an software solution to track everything for you.

What is action tracking software?

Action tracking software is a digital system for coordinating tasks from start to finish. You can use this software for a variety of applications, include:

  • Health and safety audits and inspections
  • Training and onboarding
  • Near miss, injury, and fatality investigations
  • Continuous improvement projects
  • Maintenance activities
  • IT and HR tasks

With action tracking software, you can see the status of all tasks your team is working on. This visibility makes it easier to track progress, meet deadlines, and document workplace activities.

Frontline ACT for mobile action tracking

Learn the benefits of using Frontline ACT for safety audits.

Time: 20 minutes

What tools are available?

Each software system has its own set of tools available. So, it’s impossible to list all the tools and features you’d get with an action tracking system. But here are some of the basic tools that should come with your software straight out of the box.

Scheduling and prioritization

The action scheduling tool allows you to set deadlines for completion. This is essential for keeping projects and assignments on track. Once you schedule action items, you can keep track of which ones are pending, in progress, and complete.

Prioritization features allow you to mark the severity of action items. That way, you can sort and assign tasks based on how critical they are to the business.

Reminders and notifications

Some systems allow you to set up automatic reminders letting workers know when they have upcoming deadlines. Also, you can send out notifications when certain tasks are completed, when deadlines change, etc.

File attachments

Having the ability to attach supplementary files to action items is very helpful. For example, attaching videos and photos to incident investigations can take your documentation to the next level.

Task assignments

Action tracking software should allow you to create and assign tasks to different employees. This is what makes it easy to manage all the action items your team needs to complete.

Action item reports

Another useful tool is action item reports, which tell you things like the owner, due date, and status of all the tasks within your organization. You may be able to sort and organize these based on attributes like their status, priority level, division/department, and more.

Why do I need action tracking software?

At some point, most companies outgrow their manual tracking processes. This is especially true if you expand to multiple locations or increase your workforce significantly.

Software is an essential tool because it:

  • Simplifies task management and oversight
  • Replaces many administrative tasks
  • Prevents you from missing key deadlines
  • Allows you to hold employees accountable
  • Gives you more visibility over your business operations
  • Prevents major operational failures and incidents
  • Encourages good data management practices

Switching to action tracking software, like Frontline ACT, is easier to do when you’re not desperate to use it. The last thing you want to do is adopt a new system in the middle of a major project, incident, or change. Upgrade to a digital method when you have the time to do it carefully and intentionally, so you can ensure a smooth transition and to set your team up for success.