Contractor Sign In Sheet Template
For risk management purposes, it’s important to have detailed records of who’s onsite at all times. If you have a lot of contractors that perform work around your facility/jobsite, a simple sign in sheet can be an easy way to create those records.
This printable template offers two different versions of a sign in sheet that you can use for your site. The first is a general sheet that requires contractors to include the reason for their visit.
The second is specifically for training classes, so you can document when workers completed their required training modules. You can use this second template for each class you schedule, including the details of the training topic, location, and date in one place.
The main benefits of documenting contractor coming and goings on your jobsite are that it:
- Helps you account for all workers in case of an emergency
- Allows you to see who is onsite if a major incident happens
- Makes it easier to track contractor work hours
- Ensures that all workers are documented according to regulatory requirements
- Provides a simple process for recording training completion
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